I wrote a function that is supposed to delete all fields of a layer except a required one.
My idea was to iterate over all fields of the layer and save all fieldnames except the required one in a List.
NextI want to execute the tool qgis:deletecolumn and pass the list as fields to drop. I'm using QGIS 3.4 that's why I chose 'qgis:deletecolumn' and not "qgis:dropfields'.
This is the code:
def Channel2(self):
channel1 = self.Channel1()
fieldname = self.dlg.Channel_ID.currentText()
fieldNameList = []
for field in channel1.fields():
if not (field.name == fieldname):
param = {'INPUT': channel1,
'COLUMN': fieldNameList,
'OUTPUT': 'memory:'}
channel2 = processing.run('qgis:deletecolumn', param)
vlayer = channel2['OUTPUT']
return vlayer
I don't get any error message and I do get a new layer as output but the new layer still has all the fields. Checking the documentation it seems that I don't pass a list to the Parameter 'COLUMN' but a "tablefield". But I don't know find what a "tablefield" is supposed to be and how to create it. Or is the error somewhere else?