I am using the print layout of QGIS 3.10 to make maps and some reports. I frequently use the Arrow Layout Item.

I need to change the default values for the Arrow Stroke Color, Arrow Stroke Width, Arrow Stroke Color and Arrow Fill Color. In my layout otherwise, I have to do this every time for all the arrow items across multiple projects.Since Arrows are very specific, copying and pasting it again also is not very helpful.

Is there a way to change these default values like we can change the default value of the font?


1 Answer 1


What I did as a work around was to set an arrow to be used as default shape/color. Then copied and pasted it as needed and changing its rotation angle to face the direction that its needs to be pointing. A NE quadrant pointing arrow can be rotated 90,180, or 270 to face the other quadrants.

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