I have been trying to find out the exact formulas to convert EPSG:3575 to EPSG:4326 (WSG84) and vice-versa using formulas described here: https://mathworld.wolfram.com/LambertAzimuthalEqual-AreaProjection.html
c := 1+math.Sin(sp)*math.Sin(lat)+math.Cos(sp)*math.Cos(lat)*math.Cos(lon-clon)
k := math.Sqrt(2.0/c)
x := radius * k * math.Cos(lat) * math.Sin(lon-clon)
y := radius * k * (math.Cos(sp)*math.Sin(lat) - math.Sin(sp)*math.Cos(lat)*math.Cos(lon-clon))
But came to no luck and I think that either the k or the radius is where I am making the mistake. The projected coordinates are almost-right, but there are small discrepancies.
My result for (45,45):
the right result that came from Proj4:
I am calculating the radius by taking the latitiude and calculating the earth's radius there and clon (central longitude) is 10 degrees and sp (standard parallel) is 90 degrees.