I'm trying to program a GPS style tracker for a simulation game but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to transform the game's coordinates into Google Earth's.
The game's world is flat and has the following map projection:
The game's current position data is:
Long: from -21,600,000 m to +21,600,000 m
Lat: from -10,800,000 m to +10,800,000 m
Centered at 0m, 0m (0,0 degrees)
Distance between degrees is the same everywhere (120,000 m) for latitudes or longitudes.
I believe this is called an equidistant projection?
My problem is this, when using the formulas (180/21,600,000 * X position) and (90/10,800,000 * Y position) the game's coordinates don't translate correctly to Google Earth (like in this picture where red is the actual path in game, white is the path exported to GE)
I realize that the world in Google Earth is a 3D sphere so there's probably some more factors I need to take into account but since I'm a completely beginner when it comes to cartography/GIS, I'm kind of lost.
Is there a conversion formula I should be using to match the coordinates?