How do I use python to find raster layer properties like

The GDAL driver and/or description used to load a raster in QGIS

For Example : for a Tif 'GTiff' and 'GeoTiff' or
       for an ESRI Grid 'AIG' and 'Arc/Info Binary Grid'

For a vectors you use layer.dataProvider().storageType() but when applied to a raster layer it returns AttributeError: 'QgsRasterDataProvider' object has no attribute 'storageType'

I'm using QGIS 3.10

1 Answer 1


QGIS uses GDAL behind the scene and only exposes infos as HTML e.g iface.activeLayer().htmlMetadata(). So to get the infos, I would use the following:

from osgeo import gdal

layer = iface.activeLayer()
dataset = gdal.Open(layer.dataProvider().dataSourceUri(), gdal.GA_ReadOnly)


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