I have pandas dataframew ith two fields: ID and geometry (geometry is already in WKT). I want to change this dataframe into geodataframe so I can save it as shapefile.
I have tried to change it into geodataframe in the followong way:
covex = gdf(covex, crs="EPSG:4326", geometry='geometry')
that didn't work and I got this error message:
TypeError: 'GeoDataFrame' object is not callable
covex = gdf(covex, crs="EPSG:4326", geometry=covex.iloc[:,1])
but I got the same error messege.
What do I do wrong? I thought I should pass the geoemtry column there but seems like it should be somethng else. how can I change this into geodataframe and then to shapefile?
function is? or how your pandasconvex
look like by giving the result ofconvex.head(5)