I'm attempting to add a polygon to a new layer using PyQGIS in QGIS 3.14. Adapting some examples from questions and answers here and here. I believe I have successfully created the polygon from an array of (four) input points and then a feature that contains the polygon.
I have then created a layer for the feature in the CRS I desire but cannot work how to get the feature into the layer. Code so far below.
# Attach modules
from qgis.core import * # attach main QGIS library
from qgis.utils import * # attach main python library
import os # attach operating system library
# Create an array [] object with the polygon vertices
vrtcs = []
# Create a polygon from the coordinates
ply_01 = QgsGeometry.fromPolygonXY([vrtcs])
# Create a feature object then put the polygon into the feature
ftr = QgsFeature()
# Create a layer for the feature, in the desired CRS
lyr = QgsVectorLayer('Polygon?crs=epsg:29194', '200905_Bdy',"org")
# Set an object for the data provider for the layer
prv = lyr.dataProvider()
# Add the feature to the layer using this provider (fails)