When you create a filter, a 'use unfiltered layer' option is displayed in the query builder window. I expected this option to allow the user to toggle between the filtered and unfiltered layer. It doesn't seem to work like that as nothing seems to happen when I select it. Have I missed something?

qGIS 3.14.16-Pi Windows 10 64bits

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


This setting is used for the value box, which is useful ONLY within the query builder interface.

For example select the osm_id field click on the sample or all, you will get, well, all results.

Set a filter to be osm_id < 1000000. Click on sample or all, you will get ONLY results with an osm_id less than 1 000 000.

Check the use unfiltered layer box, click on sample or all, you will get all results, including osm_id greater than 1 000 000.

  • Thanks a lot! Now I understand better how the query builder interface works. Commented Sep 23, 2020 at 23:06

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