I have a LIDAR file with 20 GB size, and I would like to cut it into smaller areas for gravity terrain correction. It is more like a moving window processing, with LIDAR as the windowed data, then the window is moved each time to output cropped LIDAR files. I thought that I could do that using batch processing with this kind of algorithm:
- Prepare the LIDAR file, close "no data" gaps using SAGA > Close Gaps.
- Go to raster calculator, put the LIDAR file there as inputs, define output resolution.
- Define the initial extent and output file naming.
- Keeping all similar, we use something like expression builder to incrementally change the extent for the subsequent 2nd cropped LIDAR, 3rd cropped LIDAR, and so on.
The only thing I could not understand is how I can build such expression in the batch processing window?
Adding a row there does not work for me.