I would have commented rather than answered, because there are already several good answers, but I don't have enough reputation yet to comment!
Caveat: I have to think hard when working with the DE-9IM and may have misunderstood your question, or the documents that I looked at.
You said you're testing the intersection of a point and a line. This answer, F**F*****
, looks like the intersection of a line with a point. A "*" means that the answer doesn't matter, which would include each test of the point's "boundary" or "exterior", because a point only has an interior. And for the line, we only care about its interior and boundary. I found this in the PostGIS documentation, "Using PostGIS: Data Management and Queries"
Interior Boundary Exterior
Interior dim( I(a) ∩ I(b) ) dim( I(a) ∩ B(b) ) dim( I(a) ∩ E(b) )
Boundary dim( B(a) ∩ I(b) ) dim( B(a) ∩ B(b) ) dim( B(a) ∩ E(b) )
Exterior dim( E(a) ∩ I(b) ) dim( E(a) ∩ B(b) ) dim( E(a) ∩ E(b) )
If we check the intersection of a line (a) with a point (b), we only care about the 1st and 4th checks (reading left to right, top to bottom).
- Does the interior of the line (a) intersect the interior of the point (b)?
- Does the boundary of the line (a) intersect the interior of the point (b)?
You got back False for both, so the line doesn't intersect the point.