I have a question regarding the accuracy of Feature to Polygon
in ArcGIS 10.7. My data is available here.
I have a glacier shapefile and a polyline. I want to split the glacier using the line feature with Feature to Polygon
. I get no error messages, however, the results seems a bit off as the cut appears more than 100m away from the actual line. I have repeated this with several other lines, using the GUI as well as arcpy
- the error stays the same.
What am I missing?
Does this have something to do with the projection?
Both objects are in the same projected coordinate system (WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_43N).
EDIT: I'm trying to do this in Python. I have access to the Advanced License, so I've tried CutPolygonByLines, but the code gives me errors. SplitPolygonsWithLines works, but only as a toolbox as the code provided is pretty unreadable.
Feature To Polygon
, so I guess I must have the Advanced License (my IT Dept took care of those things for me^^). Thanks a lot for the link, that does look promising! I just have to make one split per polygon. However, it still seems strange that theFeature to Polygon
tool is so inaccurate, doesn't it?