I have a GPKG file of 46M records and 6.5GB filesize, and need to open about 300 records, where fieldX = Y
may change). Opening the entire file would cause memory overflow, while processing the entire file in chunks would take a couple of hours.
I walked through GDAL Python API docs, but there's nothing. Filtering seems to be done by calling a method rather than passing a parameter to Open.
If it's possible to open the file in Fiona and then call a method to filter records (.filter()
), that would work too.
Of course, I can find workarounds, but would like to have it rather straightforward.
edit: I tried Fiona's .filter()
with where
argument (Iterator source, .filter source, OGR docs), but it doesn't seem to work:
import geopandas as gpd
import fiona
from shapely.geometry import Point
ds = (
(Point(0, 0), 'abcde'),
(Point(1, 1), 'fghij'),
(Point(2, 2), 'klmno')
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(ds, columns=['geometry', 'fieldX'])
gdf.to_file('test.gpkg', driver='GPKG')
with fiona.open('test.gpkg', layername='test') as fp:
itr1 = fp.filter(where="fieldX='klmno'")
itr2 = fp.filter(where="fieldX like '%klmno%'")
{'type': 'Feature', 'id': '1', 'properties': OrderedDict([('fieldX', 'abcde')]), 'geometry': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': (0.0, 0.0)}}
{'type': 'Feature', 'id': '1', 'properties': OrderedDict([('fieldX', 'abcde')]), 'geometry': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': (0.0, 0.0)}}
In Sqlite3 this works as expected:
sqlite> .open notebooks/test.gpkg
sqlite> .tables
gpkg_contents gpkg_spatial_ref_sys rtree_test_geom_node
gpkg_extensions gpkg_tile_matrix rtree_test_geom_parent
gpkg_geometry_columns gpkg_tile_matrix_set rtree_test_geom_rowid
gpkg_ogr_contents rtree_test_geom test
sqlite> select * from test where fieldX='klmno';
sql_lyr = gpkg_ds.ExecuteSQL('SELECT * FROM "point_no_spi-but-with-dashes"')
. For making the query fast create index on fieldX. ExecuteSQL is certainly documented.filtered = filter(lambda f: f['properties']['fieldX']=='klmno', fp)
?from osgeo import ogr; gpkg_source = ogr.Open("test.gpkg",update=False); sql_layer = gpkg_source.ExecuteSQL("SELECT * FROM test WHERE fieldX = 'klmno'")
. What does it give?