I wish to use a Grass module (v.to.db) in QGis, without the grass toolbox.
I tried with the Python console, but to no avail :
- Using Sextante plugin but obviously it didn't know all the grass modules.
from sextante.core.Sextante import Sextante
--> Algorithm not found
- An other test :
grass.run_command("v.to.db", map='bl@PERMANENT', layer='2', option='start', units='meters', columns='X,Y,Z')
-->Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in module
NameError: name 'grass' is not defined
Do you know if there is an other way to use the grass module ? I don't want to use it in the grass toolbox because I can select only one colums in "attribute field", and I would like to choose several columns.