I have got a LAS file from a MLS, which has following specifications:
test <- lidR::readLAS("<file.las>")
#> class : LAS (v1.0 format 1)
#> memory : 11.4 Gb
#> extent : -135.0345, 139.0671, -120.6662, 140.9799 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : NA
#> area : 55785.25 units²
#> points : 152.99 million points
#> density : 2742.47 points/units²
As you see, the LAS file does not come with any CRS. However, I have the coordinates for a specific point in the point cloud in both, the internal x/y/z dimensions as well as in the CRS I want to assign/project my dataset into.
Furthermore I know the units of the internal x/y/z dimensions as well as that the point cloud has got a northing.
How to assing/project the LAS file into a specific CRS, when the LAS file does not have a specific CRS yet? In my case EPSG:32632 see URL:https://epsg.io/32632 )
see also: