I have a multi-level GeoJSON file and I need to create a new geometry field within it that is a copy of the old geometry field but with a different key name. The new geometry field would exist in the properties section of the GeoJSON. I've tried a few different methods in Python but I keep getting an invalid GeoJSON. Below is an example GeoJSON file.
{"type": "FeatureCollection",
"crs": {
"type": "name",
"properties": {
"name": "EPSG:4269"}},
"features": [{
'type': 'Feature',
'id': 1,
'geometry': {'type': 'Polygon',
'coordinates': [[[-122.49195406899997, 37.703511726000045],
[-122.48671922899996, 37.703525668000054],
[-122.48671886499994, 37.703578453000034]]]},
'properties': {'OBJECTID': 1,
'key1': 'item1',
'key2': 87,
'shape_Length': 0.025794070246599403,
'shape_Area': 3.7520109384232215e-05,
'Polyline_Count': 22,
'SUM_shape_Length': 0.0158352870070439,
'Total_Miles': 1.03803516533877}},
{'type': 'Feature',
'id': 2,
'geometry': {'type': 'Polygon',
'coordinates': [[[-122.47670391799994, 37.70354855800008],
[-122.46908111099998, 37.70356779300005],
[-122.47670391799994, 37.70354855800008]]]},
'properties': {'OBJECTID': 2,
'key1': 'item1',
'key2': 176,
'shape_Length': 0.02483662298661403,
'shape_Area': 3.551651638576507e-05,
'Polyline_Count': 45,
'SUM_shape_Length': 0.0263386544389041,
'Total_Miles': 1.56305232720018}}]