I host a number of TMS/XYZ layers, all in EPSG:2193.
These are well supported in QGIS, and used to be supported in ArcGIS through the ArcBruTile plugin which allowed custom TMS layers of any projection to be imported using an XML config file.
I have a number of users of ArcGIS Pro wanting to access these layers. None of us can get these to work either using the built-in TMS support (Map->Add data from path) or the ArcBruTile-pro plugin - both of which seem to assume the data is in EPSG:3857.
How do they set the correct spatial reference / projection (and correct Y-axis direction) on a TMS layer in ArcGIS Pro? The extent and resolutions seem correct.
For reference the metadata defining the layer in GDAL and older ArcBruTile is below.
<TileMap version="1.0.0" tilemapservice="http://au.mapspast.org.nz/nzms-1979">
<Title>NZMS 1 1979</Title>
<Origin y="-20037508.342789" x="-20037508.342789"/>
<TileFormat extension="png" mime-type="image/png" height="256" width="256"/>
<BoundingBox maxy="20037508.342789" maxx="20037508.342789" miny="-20037508.342789" minx="-20037508.342789"/>
<TileSet href="http://au.mapspast.org.nz/nzms-1979/5" order="5" units-per-pixel="4891.969809375"/>
<TileSet href="http://au.mapspast.org.nz/nzms-1979/6" order="6" units-per-pixel="2445.984904688"/>
<TileSet href="http://au.mapspast.org.nz/nzms-1979/7" order="7" units-per-pixel="1222.992452344"/>
<TileSet href="http://au.mapspast.org.nz/nzms-1979/8" order="8" units-per-pixel="611.496226172"/>
<TileSet href="http://au.mapspast.org.nz/nzms-1979/9" order="9" units-per-pixel="305.748113086"/>
<TileSet href="http://au.mapspast.org.nz/nzms-1979/10" order="10" units-per-pixel="152.874056543"/>
<TileSet href="http://au.mapspast.org.nz/nzms-1979/11" order="11" units-per-pixel="76.437028271"/>
<TileSet href="http://au.mapspast.org.nz/nzms-1979/12" order="12" units-per-pixel="38.218514136"/>
<TileSet href="http://au.mapspast.org.nz/nzms-1979/13" order="13" units-per-pixel="19.109257068"/>
<TileSet href="http://au.mapspast.org.nz/nzms-1979/14" order="14" units-per-pixel="9.554628534"/>
<Service name="TMS">