I was using QNEAT plugin for QGIS just fine after some very thoughtful recommendation on this web. The first time all went well, but I needed to redo it. Now when I try it I get an error.
I can use any QNEAT process and the same error occurs:
Algorithm 'OD Matrix from Layers as Table (m:n)' starting… Input
parameters: { 'DEFAULT_DIRECTION' : 2, 'DEFAULT_SPEED' : 4,
GIS/Zástavba/Osídlenost 2020 Třebíč/Osídlenost 2020 Třebíč.shp',
GIS/Infrastruktura/Highway Okres Třebíč
EPSG-5221.gpkg|layername=Highway Okres Třebíč EPSG-5221', 'OUTPUT' :
GIS/Docházka/QNEAT/qneat odm m2n 001.shp', 'SPEED_FIELD' : '',
'STRATEGY' : 0, 'TOLERANCE' : 0, 'TO_ID_FIELD' : 'fid',
hlavní Q GIS/VHD/highway bus stop Třebíč (5221).shp', 'VALUE_BACKWARD'
: '', 'VALUE_BOTH' : '', 'VALUE_FORWARD' : '' }
[QNEAT3Algorithm] This is a QNEAT3 Algorithm: 'OD Matrix from Layers
as Table (m:n)' Traceback (most recent call last): File
line 224, in processAlgorithm to_coord_list =
getListOfPoints(to_points) File
line 94, in getListOfPoints return [f.geometry().asPoint() for f in
qgsfeatureiterator] File
line 94, in <listcomp return [f.geometry().asPoint() for f in
qgsfeatureiterator] ValueError: Null geometry cannot be converted to a
Execution failed after 0.22 seconds
Loading resulting layers Algorithm 'OD Matrix from Layers as Table
(m:n)' finished
I am trying to do OD Matrix from layer as lines m:n
All layers are the same as before when it worked. I have no idea what changed. I didnt do anything different.
Initially I followed advice in an answer provided for my previous question here: Average walking distance
check validity
to verify which records these are and remove them/fix them