I have a folder of raster .tif. files. I want to iterate through all the rasters in this folder and divide them by a specific raster. I then want to take these outputs and write them to new rasters.

Here is what I am trying:

d = ['Blue', 'Red', 'Green']
test = 'test.tif'
folder = Path('Path/to/My/Folder')

for f in folder.glob("*.tif"):
    if any(color in f.name for color in d):
        new_raster = f/test

What I am doing here is this: In my folder, I have many raster .tif files. However, I only actually want to use them in my loop code if their file names contain "Blue", "Red" or "Green". So I would want to use the files Blue_Raster.tif, Red_Raster.tif, and Green_Raster.tif in my loop, but exclude a Purple_Raster.tif, etc. So then FOR EACH of these rasters, I want to divide them by my selected raster test.tif. This produces FOR EACH of my rasters (just for Blue, Red, and Green) a new_raster, which I want to write to an output raster, titled either Blue_Output_raster.tif, Red_Output_raster.tif, or Green_Output_raster.tif. However, I am not sure how to actually write these rasters. Would this just involve a simple use of the writeraster() function in gdal? I am not sure if there are actually many more steps involved or if I even used the raster division here correctly. I am open to using rasterio or geocube as well if that is simpler.

3 Answers 3


This should work with what you require. Read about rasterio write here

d = ['Blue', 'Red', 'Green']
test = 'test.tif'
folder = Path('Path/to/My/Folder')

with rasterio.open("test.tif") as src:
  for f in folder.glob("*.tif"):
    if any(color in f.name for color in d):
      with rasterio.open(f) as med:    
        new_raster = med.read(1)/src.read(1)

      # write raster
      profile = src.profile
      filename = "_output_".join(os.path.splitext(f)[0].split("_"))
      with rasterio.open(f'{filename}.tif', 'w', **profile) as dst:
          dst.write(new_raster, 1)

  • Hello, thank you for this helpful suggestion. I tried it, but am having some trouble getting it to work, and received this error: RasterioIOError: Attempt to create new tiff file 'Colors_output_Test\Output_output_Raster_output_Red_output_value.tif' failed: No such file or directory. It seems that something in the file paths is just acting up. Do you know what might be causing this? Commented Jan 5, 2022 at 19:51
  • It seems your raster name contains double underscore or it might be that you are trying to rerun the program. Try deleting the newly created file or change the output directory Commented Jan 6, 2022 at 16:00

# Look at this simple code:

import os
import gdal

path = r'inputpath_directory'

# for Loop
bands = []

for i in os.listdir(path):
print(bands) # a list of bands

# To save a raster using gdal:

                      prototype=ds) # band prototype

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