You can ask that question from the WMS server with GetCapablities.
The section about GetFeatureInfo request contains the supported formats
<Format>text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1</Format>
None of these formats is image format. the meaning of the request is to return data about the selected feature and attributes cannot be expressed in image. But you can as the server to send the response back as GeoJSON,50.750177078705356,4.4957029774594135,50.921063532317916&service=WMS&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&query_layers=TN.RoadTransportNetwork.RoadArea&I=750&J=750&info_format=application/json
The response is
Now you could make your application to parse the GeoJSON and render the geometry on the map. But unfortunately the geometry that the server sends is nonsense, a multipolygon with all vertices at coordinates (4,51). I guess that is because the service provider does not want to send accurate geometries with GetFeatureInfo requests.
Can't image be produced using GetMap request for the particular I and J value?
No. a GetMap request needs bounding box. A GetFeatureInfo request is a request for what ever information the service wants to supply at a pixel location in a map