I have a problem when import my NetCDF files in R.
When I import .nc file which downloaded from Copernicus (CMIP6 product - Sea surface height above geoid - CanESM5-CanOE (Canada)), I use raster()
, stack()
or brick()
but I don't have CRS identified:
nc_vars <- raster(paste0(dossier_vars, "/", list_vars[i]))
class : RasterBrick
dimensions : 291, 360, 104760, 12 (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
resolution : 1, 1 (x, y)
extent : -0.5, 359.5, -0.5, 290.5 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
crs : NA
source : H:/Variables_predictives/CMIP6__SSH2030.nc
names : X2030.01.16, X2030.02.15, X2030.03.16, X2030.04.16, X2030.05.16, X2030.06.16, X2030.07.16, X2030.08.16, X2030.09.16, X2030.10.16, X2030.11.16, X2030.12.16
Date : 2030-01-16, 2030-02-15, 2030-03-16, 2030-04-16, 2030-05-16, 2030-06-16, 2030-07-16, 2030-08-16, 2030-09-16, 2030-10-16, 2030-11-16, 2030-12-16
varname : zos
When I download others variables of CMIP6 product in Copernicus, the CRS is +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
in my raster.
I try to use terra
package with rast()
and it's the same problem. I try too nc_open()
from ntcd4 package to find the projection of the variable, but I don't have results. I don't find projection information in Copernicus website.
When I use EPSG code 4326 to project this .nc file in QGIS, I have this results (compared to world map in true 4326).
In general, NetCDF files are projected in WGS84 but I think for this files it's another projection but which one? And how can I find it?