I want to implement a OSM into QGIS via an WMS service. We see that this is easy, right? I thought so too. In my case I want to implement a night mode map, like you would find in Google Maps when you drive at night time. Not entirely "black matter" but more of a "dark blue modern intuitive"-design if you know what I mean. As you can see in the image, the style should be something like this.
I can't seem to find any WMS that fit my needs. I tried using QMS (QGIS Map Services Plugin) which lists you all the potential WMS based on keywords. None of them fit my description. Do you have any idea on how to tackle this problem? Bear in mind, my programming skills are limited so I hope for something which is already available and implementable.
parameter. Or base your service on vector tiles and make your client to select the alternative styles. Somebody must still make the styles first.