I'm asking something similar than Weighted zonal statistics in Python and/or R. I know very well the R-side of this question, but I can't figure out the answer for Python.

So far I can compute non-weighted zonal statistics:

import os
import rioxarray as rioxr
from rioxarray.merge import merge_arrays
from glob import glob
import geopandas

polys = geopandas.read_file(path_to_polygons)

files = glob(os.path.join('path/to/MOD13Q1/2002/033','*.hdf')) # example path
nbr_single = []
for file in files:
    with rioxr.open_rasterio(file) as src:
        NIR = getattr(src,'250m 16 days NIR reflectance')
        MIR = getattr(src,'250m 16 days MIR reflectance')

nbr_mosaic = merge_arrays(nbr_single) 

nbr_zonal = zonal_stats(
    raster=nbr_mosaic[0,:,:].values, # since it's a 3D array

# for testing in R
nbr_mosaic.rio.to_raster(os.path.join(some_path,'mosaic.tif'), compress='LZW')

And I tried a weighted and non-weighted approach in R:


r <- rast('some_path/to/mosaic.tif')
sf <- read_sf(path_to_polygons)
v_ <- vect(path_to_polygons)

r1_values <- exact_extract(r,sf, fun = 'count')
r2_values <- extract(r,v_,length)

Where r1_values is a weigthed approach and r2_values is a non-weighted (although terra::extract can compute weighted statistic as well)

R's weighted count vs Python's non-weighted count:

enter image description here

R's non-weighted count vs Python's non-weighted count (minimal difference):

enter image description here

How can I compute a weight raster or directly weigthed zonal statistics in python?

  • 3
    As far as I'm aware, calling the commandline exactextract tool via subprocess is about it. Though you have to compile it yourself. I hope you get an answer, this something myself and others are interested in also.
    – user2856
    Commented May 14, 2022 at 3:56
  • @user2856 thank you for the comment. I had subprocess in mind, although this means saving the raster to the disk. I will create a temporary folder for dumping those file and delete them after values extraction.
    – aldo_tapia
    Commented May 14, 2022 at 15:03

1 Answer 1


Now exactextract is available for Python:

pip install exactextract

Basic operation example:

import geopandas as gpd
import rioxarray as rxr
import exactextract

gdf = gpd.read_file('/path/to/vector.shp')
r = rxr.open_rasterio('/path/to/raster.tif')
dict_result = exactextract.exact_extract(r, gdf, 'mean')

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