I would like to save a .qlr with data stored in a file geodatabase that displays active records that fall between two DateTime fields: Start date field and End Date field (inclusive). I had this query working in ArcGIS Pro, but would like to figure it out in QGIS.
In ArcGIS Pro, the definition query was:
((CURRENT_DATE() BETWEEN Start_Date_Debut AND End_Date_Fin) OR (End_Date_Fin IS NULL)) AND (Frequency_Frequence = 3)
Edit: Using the suggestions below I have tried breaking down and using a simple query QGIS's Query Builder:
now() > "start_date_debut"
I am still receiving an error when executing the query:
An error occurred when executing the query.
The data provider said:
OGR[3] error 1: SQL Expression Parsing Error: syntax error, unexpected
')'. Occurred around :
now() > "start_date_debut"
There are some null values in the end date fields (because there is no end date associated with end date).
CURRENT_DATE() BETWEEN Start_Date_Debut AND End_Date_Fin