I have an array of Polygons where each object looks like this

{'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': (((-98.03706782884247, 44.72279408402323), (-98.03706782884247, 44.71524098343729), (-98.02951472825653, 44.71524098343729), (-98.02951472825653, 44.72279408402323), (-98.03706782884247, 44.72279408402323)),)}

I need to convert the coordinates to an array and it should look like

[[[-98.03706782884247, 44.72279408402323],[-98.03706782884247, 44.71524098343729], [-98.02951472825653, 44.71524098343729], [-98.02951472825653, 44.72279408402323], [-98.03706782884247, 44.72279408402323]]]

Is there a pre-defined method which is available for polygons?

2 Answers 2


Since this is tagged shapely, have a look at shapely.geometry.asShape() to interpret a GeoJSON-like mapping as a shapely object

import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import asShape

d = {'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': (((-98.03706782884247, 44.72279408402323), (-98.03706782884247, 44.71524098343729), (-98.02951472825653, 44.71524098343729), (-98.02951472825653, 44.72279408402323), (-98.03706782884247, 44.72279408402323)),)}

geom = asShape(d)


# LinearRings can be viewed as numpy arrays
for interior in geom.interiors:

You could convert the coordinates key values to a list.

what_your_looking_for = list(your_json_object['coordinates'])

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