Can someone help me understand how to properly parameterize the 'Select by Location' geoprocessing tool when implementing it in a QGIS processing plugin. I have been following the tutorial on building a processing plugin, however I get an 'Unable to execute algorithm' error when I try to run my processing plugin. At thi point, I just want to be able to parameterize and run a the basic geoprocessing tool 'Select by Location' before I start changing things.....
Here is a snippet of code from the two functions used to define the parameters, and implement the processAlgorithm.
As written, I receive the error: Unable to execute algorithm Incorrect parameter value for INPUT
I have compared the output in the log window for the 'Select by Location' tool in Vector-->Research--> Select by location, which looks like this:
Input parameters:
{ 'INPUT' : "crs='EPSG:4326' url=''",
'INTERSECT' : '/media/williamkessler/extradrive1/BearToothGroup/Data/Airports_and_drivetime/Airports.gpkg|layername=1hr_Isochrone',
'METHOD' : 0,
'PREDICATE' : [0] }
Execution completed in 0.44 seconds
{'OUTPUT': 'FH_Perimeter_f0404e04_0298_4fb3_bd78_5534a7d1fe4f'}
and what comes from my tool:
Input parameters:
{ 'INPUT' : "arcgisfeatureserver://crs='EPSG:4326' url=''",
'Intersecting Layer' : '/media/williamkessler/extradrive1/BearToothGroup/Data/Airports_and_drivetime/Airports.gpkg|layername=1hr_Isochrone',
'METHOD': 0,
'Predicate' : [0] }'
Unable to execute algorithm
Incorrect parameter value for INPUT
Execution failed after 0.05 seconds
The only difference I can see, is a difference in how the CRS is specified? How do I change this? Will it solve my issue?
def initAlgorithm(self, config):
Here we define the inputs and output of the algorithm, along
with some other properties.
# I add the input vector features source. It can have any kind of geometry.
self.INPUT,'Input layer'),
# I add the vector features source to compare the input against. It can have any kind of geometry.
# I specify the geometric predicate to base the selection on. It is an enum parameter with multiselect (the same as in the basic 'select by location tool'
name = self.PRED,
description ='Geometric Predicate'),
options = ["Intersect","Contain","Disjoint","Equal","Touch","Overlap","Are Within", "Cross"],
defaultValue = "Intersect",
allowMultiple = True,
# We add a feature sink in which to store our processed features (this
# usually takes the form of a newly created vector layer when the
# algorithm is run in QGIS).
self.OUTPUT,'Output layer')
def processAlgorithm(self, parameters, context, feedback):
Here is where the processing itself takes place.
# Retrieve the feature source and sink. The 'dest_id' variable is used
# to uniquely identify the feature sink, and must be included in the
# dictionary returned by the processAlgorithm function.
source = self.parameterAsSource(parameters, self.INPUT, context)
(sink, dest_id) = self.parameterAsSink(parameters, self.OUTPUT,
context, source.fields(), source.wkbType(), source.sourceCrs())
intersect = self.parameterAsSource(parameters, self.INTERSECT, context)
predicate = self.parameterAsSource(parameters, self.PRED, context)
# method = self.parameterAsSource(parameters, self.METHOD, context)
# Compute the number of steps to display within the progress bar and
# get features from source
total = 100.0 / source.featureCount() if source.featureCount() else 0
features = source.getFeatures()
## Here is where I attempt to implement the 'select by location' processing tool:"qgis:selectbylocation", {'INPUT':source, 'PREDICATE': predicate, 'INTERSECT': intersect, 'METHOD':0})
# for current, feature in enumerate(features):
# # Stop the algorithm if cancel button has been clicked
# if feedback.isCanceled():
# break
# # Add a feature in the sink
# # sink.addFeature(feature, QgsFeatureSink.FastInsert)
# #"qgis:selectbylocation", {'INPUT':feature, 'PREDICATE': predicate, 'INTERSECT': intersect, 'METHOD':0})
# # Update the progress bar
# feedback.setProgress(int(current * total))
# Return the results of the algorithm. In this case our only result is
# the feature sink which contains the processed features, but some
# algorithms may return multiple feature sinks, calculated numeric
# statistics, etc. These should all be included in the returned
# dictionary, with keys matching the feature corresponding parameter
# or output names.
return {self.OUTPUT: dest_id}