I'm running a piece of code that get some satellite images, clip them, and then save the clipped area to a folder in my Google Drive. The code runs with no errors (after debugging), but when I go and check the downloading progress in my Google Drive... there's nothing. Not a single (out of 12) .tiff file downloaded.
This is the code:
This is how satellite images are loaded/referenced into the ee_var dictionary (Please don't mind the 'if' statement, they always return True)
if variables == None:
variables = ['srtm','slope','aspect','hillshade','flowdir','flowacc','organic','organic','density','rain','etp','ndvi_mean','landcover']
ee_var = {}
# 1. ee.Image relacionadas a un key
# ejemplo: srtm---> WWF/HydroSHEDS/03CONDEM
if 'srtm' in variables:
srtm = ee.Image("WWF/HydroSHEDS/03CONDEM")
ee_var['srtm'] = srtm
if 'slope' in variables:
slope = ee.Terrain.slope(srtm)
ee_var['slope'] = slope
if 'aspect' in variables:
aspect = ee.Terrain.aspect(srtm)
ee_var['aspect'] = aspect
Then this is how the satellite images (AOI clipped) should be downloaded:
for key, value in ee_var.items():
to_download = ee.Image(value).clip(geom)
task = ee.batch.Export.image.toDrive(
Since I have 0 downloads from GEE, I've checked the EarthEngineTaskManager, and I have the following error for every piece of imagery I was trying to download:
" Error: GeometryConstructors.LineString, argument 'coordinates': Invalid type. Expected type: List. Actual type: Feature. (Error code: 3) "
A piece of could that could be relevant in solving this issue could be how I define the AOI, using geojson. Here's the heading of the geojson, with the first three coordinates (there are more, but are irrelevant to the topic):
Samaipata = {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {},
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
Any ideas on what could be wrong?
I found the problem. I was calling my def function with the wrong type of argument. This was the wrong code:
spatial_dataset(ee_samaipata, 'Smpta_', 'DataSatImg', 30)
And this is the right coding:
spatial_dataset(ee_samaipata.geometry(), 'Smpta_', 'DataSatImg', 30)
ee_Samaipata is an AOI with lat,lon coordinates in geojson.