I discovered the nice possibility in QGIS to create dropdown lists in a field, with which I (should) choose in a simple way one of several species (in my case) - while entering new features. I tried these two possibilities:
it works (nearly) fine, while entering a new features I start typing the name of a species - and I get offered all species that I already have in this Shapefile. The offer looks like that It is a great help like that - but: the offered species are not sorted alphabetically - and I see only 7 species at a time. Is there a possibility to change that?
- I tried then to choose in attribute form the widget "value relation" - I linked a csv-table with all species I need to this field. Screenshot here: The advantage with this possibility is, while entering a new feature I get - sorted alphabetically - a great number of species, and I can choose one of them. But when I look at the attribute table it looks like that
most of the species that has been in the shape file before - are in brackets. And the new entered species of the csv-table (and even some of the "old" species - here Meum athamanticum) are not in brackets. That is no good way to work with that further.
Has anybody an idea how to use (especially the 1. variant) more comfortable? (alphabetical, and more species in the dropdown list?