I have digitised a track in QGIS from Maps.me screen shots but when displayed it is confusing as it crosses and backtracks several times.
I would like to display the track in short segments in Temporal as an animation but have had no success.
I tried recording the track in short segments as a line string with a date time field but there was no opportunity to add a time when each segment was saved so consequently no time for Temporal to work on.
If it is not possible to digitise with time I wondered if it would be possible to extract the coordinates from my original file and add them to a csv with a date field? However I can't find a way of extracting the coordinates.
I am competent with tracks, points and loading via csv but have very limited knowledge of Python.
I have formatted data as shown by Kasper but when I try to Add Layer- txt file it shows 2 symbols before the wkt and there is no track on map and an error triangle in Layers saying Unavailable layer!
Screen shot of data in Notepad.
Extra characters were caused by incorrect date, now corrected. Still have error I don't understand.
link to data file Data as loaded
Sorry missed your comment Kasper, no PW added but try this link Same file different location