I have two points which are marked dynamically on the map and when I mark the start point it is returning lon,lat, but I want to assign this coordinates to the variable that marked/handled the start symbol and a point. Ex:

              start: new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(start, OpenLayers.Handler.Point),
              stop: new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(stop, OpenLayers.Handler.Point),

for the same start and stop, I would like to add event 'click' and assign the point when clicked.

  • Please clarify more your question. I could not understand what you want. Your sample could looks like truncated.
    – cavila
    Jan 4, 2013 at 12:19

1 Answer 1


I think you are talking about click event feature enter code here

    function onFeatureSelect(evt) {
        var selectCtrl = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(yourlayername,
            clickout: true, onSelect:onFeatureSelect }

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