I'm trying to create an animated map showing the trains moving on these lines. I have the arrival and departure times for each stations, names, all the data I need. But in order to make a smooth animation I have to transform the rail network in points, which I did for a line, but these points are empty and I want to give them an arrival and departure time in order to use the Temporal Animation Controller.
How should I do this?
Here are some screenshots from my attribute table, regarding more info. I have the data from a gtfs which didn't contain the shape.txt and I have to use my own railnetwork because the routes.txt would follow the points not the geometry of the rail network.
Here is the data I'm using, the train stops and train network, I already tried geometry generator but they seem to appear only in the train station then dissapear.
Here are some screenshots from my attribute table, regarding more info. I have the data from a gtfs which didn't contain the shape.txt and I have to use my own railnetwork because the routes.txt would follow the points not the geometry of the rail network.