I want to use the SimplifyPolygon Class that existed in ArcObjects 10.3 in ArcObjects 10.6, but I cannot find it in 10.6.

How do I apply the SimplifyPolygon Class in ArcObjects 10.6?


1 Answer 1


As commented by @MichaelStimson:

There was a change in how geoprocessing tools are called between 10.3 and 10.6, you will need to use the geoprocessor interface https://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcobjects/latest/net/webframe.htm#IGeoProcessor.htm or use ITopologicalOperator simplify https://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcobjects/10.6/net/webframe.htm#ITopologicalOperator_Simplify.htm

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