I am trying to calculate the minimum cumulative water deficit for a region.
terraclim = (ee.ImageCollection('IDAHO_EPSCOR/TERRACLIMATE')
.filterDate('1985-01-01', '2019-12-31'))
prec = terraclim.select('pr')
# water deficit here is precipitation - 100mm/month, mean ET value for Amazonia
water_deficit = prec.map(lambda image: image.subtract(100))
monthly_wd_list = water_deficit.toList(water_deficit.size())
resultImage = ee.Image(0)
cwd_list = []
# here we calculate the monthly cumulative water deficit values
for i in range(monthly_wd_list.size().getInfo()):
# get this month's water deficit value
currentImage = ee.Image(monthly_wd_list.get(i))
# add value to last month's water deficit value
resultImage = resultImage.add(currentImage)
# if value is positive, it rained enough to compensate for previous drought (zero deficit)
resultImage = resultImage.where(resultImage.gt(0), 0)
# otherwise, result is negative, and deficit carries on to coming month
cwd_list.append(resultImage.set('month', i))
# Determining the lowest cumulative water deficit value of the year
annual_mcwd_list = []
year_count = 1984
for i in range(0, (2020-1985)*12, 12):
year_count += 1
yr = cwd_list[i:i+12]
cwd_a = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(yr)
mcwd_a = cwd_a.reduce(ee.Reducer.min())
annual_mcwd_list.append(mcwd_a.set('year', year_count))
The images in annual_mcwd_list are generated, but are all empty.
I have tried testing
i = 1
yr = [cwd_list[1], cwd_list[2]]
cwd_a = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(yr)
mcwd_a = cwd_a.reduce(ee.Reducer.min())
and cwd_a.first() is a real image that maps perfectly, but the reduction mcwd_a appears empty when added to the map. Same outcome when I use .min() instead of .reduce()