enter image description here

I have this attribute table. I locked my atlas generator by county. For each, I want the statistics of all the cities that are in each county. For example : If the page of SICARIO is showed I want :

  • Trapani
  • Palerme
  • Catane

Like so : enter image description here

For instance, I achieved showing just the statistics for one city for each county using this expression

"city_name" || ' : '|| round(( "people_ok" *100)/ "total_of_people") || '% of people are ok and'|| round(( "people_not_ok" *100)/ "total_of_people") || '% are not' , like that :

enter image description here

How can I do to tell QGIS to show ALL the cities that belong to SICARIO ?

While knowing that:

  • for SICARIO I have to display 3 cities
  • for RADEON 2 cities
  • for TUNEM 3 cities

It's unclear to me why when adding the attribute table, only the first line that matches is displayed.

  • If you use an atlas, you have a coverage layer. In a case like yours, it would make sense to have a coverage polygon layer for the counties and a separate (point or polygon) layer for the cities. Then you could identify the features (cities) within the current atlas feature. This is not the case, if I understand you correctly? You have only one layer and want to do this from there?
    – Babel
    Commented Jan 8 at 16:07

1 Answer 1


If you have everything on one layer (as it seems to be the case), you should use aggregate functions and filter the aggregated city_names by conty_name to create an array with all cities in a county using array_agg() function. From this array, loop through each element (city) to get the respective attribute values for the fiels people_ok and people_not_ok.

Edit: I tested your sample project and had to make only small adjustments. Use a text layout element, not an attribute table layout element, to introduce this text, as you don't really need an attribute table element for this, you use it to create a text, containing different attribute values concatenated. HOwever, the expression also works if you intreroduce it in the attribute table layout element.

Use the expression below:

enter image description here

            array_agg (
            || ': ' ||
                get_feature('counties_cities','city_name', @element),
            || ' % of people are OK and ' ||
                get_feature('counties_cities','city_name', @element),
            || ' % are not'
        delimiter:= '\n' 
  • Thanks for answering @Babel ! Unfortunately it does not work for me cause I have to introduce the statistics with an attribute table as I have parent/children relation. It will not work with inserting a label as on my locked layer for my atlas does not have this information : "people_ok","people_not_ok"... Commented Jan 9 at 8:36
  • Sorry, I'm not sure I understand your settings correctly. I looked at your attribute table and there you have this information. I can only answer based on what information you provide. Also, I don't understand what you mean by "locked" layer. You should probably share your project with sample/dummy data to see what you have. Otherwise, it is just guessing in the dark.
    – Babel
    Commented Jan 9 at 8:41
  • you are right it is not easy to explain so I made a link with my project and my layers in it : we.tl/t-WGlj7hOKah. It will be more clear. Nevertheless, thanks for your help Commented Jan 9 at 11:36
  • See updated answer - it works with your project/data.
    – Babel
    Commented Jan 9 at 15:20
  • 1
    I do know how to thanks you @Babel ! It works so well !! Commented Jan 9 at 16:20

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