I am trying to do something similar, I have a feature collection which i want to map over an function, which access image in an asset. The image asset id is a combination of variable inside the function. which i am not able to concatenate because they are in computed object formats not strings. Also i get this error 'Actual value for parameter 'id' must be a constant.' My image lies in subset folders in earth engine assets


def getarea(feature):
    clipped_image = result_image.clip(feature.geometry())
          reducer= ee.Reducer.sum().group(
          groupField= 1,
          groupName= 'class',
      geometry= feature.geometry(),
      scale= 10,
      maxPixels= 1e10

    props = {
        'crop': feature.get('crop_name'),
        'area': area
    return ee.Feature(feature.geometry(), props)

1 Answer 1


As the error says, Image IDs must be constants, you can't compute one on the fly (for security reasons). You can filter an image collection down to a specific ID though.

collection.filter(ee.Filter.eq("system:index", computedID))

If your images are in a folder instead of a collection, move them over.

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