I'm working with Dynamic World and am building functions that calculate zonal statistics of different land cover properties over time. In the code below, I have a binary image called for_2017 which is equal to 1 if the pixel is forested, else zero. I want to take the mean for each tile in tiles, a feature collection where each feature has 1 degree resolution.

function zonalStatMaker(mapObj) {
//Calculate zonal stats
var zonalStat = tiles.map(function(feature) {
  return feature.set(mapObj.reduceRegion({
    reducer: 'mean',
    geometry: feature.geometry(),
    scale: 10,
    maxPixels: 1e9

//Rename variable
var zonalStat = zonalStat.map(function(feat){
  return ee.Feature(feat.geometry(), { 
    mapObj: feat.get('constant'),

return zonalStat;


var tiles = zonalStatMaker(for_2017);

I believe the image reducer component is working fine. But I want the property (the mean forest 2017 variable) stored in tiles to be the same name as the mapObj object. When I tried this code, the function named the property "mapObj".

Full code here.

1 Answer 1


Specify the name you want on the reducer via setOutputs and skip the renaming step.

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