I am regularly using the QuickWKT plugin in QGIS. My project CRS is rarely EPSG:4326, but I often need to add geometries in EPSG:4326. In order to add such geometries, I change project CRS to EPSG:4326, use QuickWKT plugin to add the geometry, then change the project CRS back to what it is by default.
If I don't change the project CRS before using the plugin, geometries such as this one: POLYGON ((-75.345 38.758, -75.229 38.758, -75.229 38.668, -75.345 38.668, -75.345 38.758))
will be interpreted not in EPSG:4326, but in project CRS. The polygon above should be a polygon in Delaware.
These back and forth changes of project CRS is somewhat tedious.
Can I use QuickWKT to add WKT strings in EPSG:4326 without changing the project CRS to EPSG:4326?