I'm searching for a tool like something around a "GIS based Customer Relationships Management Tool". The functionality I am looking for is:

  1. collect: collecting customer related data in several formats like e-mails, postal letter as scans, documents, online-masks and so on..
  2. store: store these files geographically referenced in a DB
  3. categorize: attach several attributes over time to these customers like: wishes, needs, historical questions, business category ...
  4. manage by query's: get reports according to queries via attributes or via geo-tag or via combinations like: "show all customers that like potatoes and mushrooms living in a buffer distance of 20km around point xy and related documents".

What are some useful tools meeting my needs to test?


1 Answer 1


I don't know of a pure tool built for this, salesforce can do some simple geo stuff, but then a custom CiviCRM (opensource) solution could likely be built out to give you more geo capacity. But really what it sounds like you need is not the pre-determined CRM at all, just a solid database with a flexible data entry UI and the ability to run spatial type queries from any GIS client/server. The questions you have are simple geospatial tasks, so relaly any database with a good data entry front end will work if it's geo-enables- PostGIS would be fine. Heck, you could even do it in a desktop GIS client entirely based on your parameters.

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