I compressed an GeoTIFF image with both gdal_translate and Global Mapper with LZW compression. The one Global Mapper compressed is much smaller, is almost 30% of the one gdal_translate compressed.

gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -co TILED=YES -co PREDICTOR=2 1.tif lzw1.tif

How can I compress it further like Global Mapper?

1 Answer 1


I figure out finally. Global Mapper did: 1. LZW compression 2. RGB to 256 palette the tiff files are almost 10 times smaller size than before.

I use: gdal_translate: 1. with LZW compression 2. quality compress 40% but still RGB gdaladdo make 6 levels of overview.

  • I also use gawk and shell to read the paths of the original tiff files and generate a new shell script to do the above work automatically. The scripts are running well on Ubuntu.
    – Frank gu
    Apr 29, 2013 at 9:28

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