I'm using QGIS (and sometimes GRASS and PostGIS) on my 2009 MacBookPro for my thesis project.
I was wondering (during an endless batch generalizing in QGIS) if I can set up a server so I can work from the library/university using the power of a faster home desktop workstation.
So far I understood:
- I can access a remote PostGIS server via QGIS
- I can run GRASS via SSH, even with GUI
- GDAL has PostGIS driver, but it's only for querying and inserting data, the rest of the work is done by the machine that issues the command (or am I wrong?)
- Basic editing of a PostGIS can be done via QGIS, and I can issue SQL commands to make some more advanced editing
What I would like to figure out:
- Can I use QGIS plugins remotely? is VNC the only way to accomplish that?
- is there some documentation for PostGIS+QGIS other than creating and visualizing maps (I found only these types of tutorial)? which tools/plugins can I use, and which of them can be run remotely?
you all confirmed my thoughts about QGIS, if I want to use the processing power of the server I have to control it via VNC/RDP/NX.
as for my second question, let me rephrase it:
If I use postGIS+QGIS and I want all the processing be done on the server, do I have to (learn and) use only SQL queries with postGIS functions?