I want to clear all columns from a SHP. Only need geometry of features. I use QGIS and Sextante with grass and saga. Is there any tool for this job...
2 Answers
There are several tools you can use to Drop\delete columns.
1 - Atribute table "delete column" tool
- Open layer's attribute table;
- Start editing;
- Click on "delete columns" icon;
- Select several columns using Pressing Ctrl;
- Click ok;
- Stop\Save editing;
2 - Use Table Manager Plugin
- Install Table Manager Plugin using Plugins > fetch python plugins;
- Click on the plugin Icon or in Vector > Table manager > Table manager;
- Select several columns\fields using Pressing Ctrl;
- click on delete;
- Ok
A simple way of getting rid of the attributes is to rightclick on the layer -> Save As...
and check Surpress attribute creation
If you have many files, you could use:
ogr2ogr -select field_list destination_file source_file
to select fields you want (default is all!)