is possible to force osm2po to reroute when traffic jam or other problem is detected on the route ? Or is it possible to tell osm2po routing to avoid some node/way even when it is best route ?

I'm not Java programmer so I prefer non Java solution

  • What do you mean? pgRouting or osm2po-REST (http/geojson) ? ... and no, there is currently no default handling for this. You need Java Skills in order to modify the routing behavior to your needs.
    – Carsten
    Commented Jul 16, 2013 at 10:22
  • Any updates on your problem?
    – dassouki
    Commented Jul 20, 2013 at 17:51
  • no, not yet, it look like i have to learn java to be able to affect routing .. or to use different routing engine which i do not want - i like osm2po, for me it's fast and easy to use ...
    – Matus
    Commented Jul 23, 2013 at 11:33

1 Answer 1


Both methods outlined below provide solutions from a transportation rather than a computer science based approach.

Method 1

The way this is done properly in Travel Demand Modelling (TDM) is in the Trip Assignment stage of the model.

Using the FHWA model, you can do the following:

  • In your layer, create a new column for each time period you're modelling for:
    • A new field called Volume
    • A new field called Time_to_traverse
    • Create a new column for each time period you're modelling and let's call it capacity
  • You either have to compute Volume of Traffic using Trip Distribution models or existing traffic feeds
  • Capacity as as a start could be assumed as 1600 passenger vehicles per lane per hour.
  • V/C = Volume over capacity tells you how full the highway is

Use the following equation to estimate the Time to traverse the link:

Ti = T_o [1 + 0.15*(V/C)^4]


  • T_i = Balanced (iterative approach)
  • T_o = free flow travel time
  • V = assigned volume for that link
  • C = practical capacity

Now that you have your Volume, Capacity, and Time to traverse fields for your time periods, you can set up your model to traverse using cost=time_to_traverse rather than cost=link_length. when V/C approaches one, time_to_traverse will go up and the model will reroute accordingly

Method 2:

  • Create two field in your layer: Virtual_length, and virtual_factor
  • If you know when volumes or traffic jams are going to occur on certain roads, assign those roads a Virtual factor and Virtual_length = Virtual_factor * real_length

  • Route based on Virtual_length

Final Note:

I think this is a traffic engineering and modelling exercise more so than a programming problem

  • Your solution is too sophisticated for data i can use ... I have just information that on some road is traffic level 5 which mean complete stuck and i want to recalculate navigation route to avoid this place/node. I know this is complicated problem but i want to do simple even not so perfect solution ( informations what is traffic jam and what is jam level is not from me ... )
    – Matus
    Commented Jul 15, 2013 at 11:56
  • In the case where they have a level of service, indicated by numbers assuming 1 to 5. I assume 1 is free flow, 4 is equilibrium and 5 is failure. you can use those as your fudge factor? or can you deduce some fudge factors from them and try to apply method 2?
    – dassouki
    Commented Jul 15, 2013 at 12:01
  • when you speaking about layer, you mean layer in osm2po ? I'm i able to change database data in routing engine ? I'm sorry if it is dump question but i'm using osm2po as routing engine with json, and i was never digging inside it to see how it work or what else it can do. thanks
    – Matus
    Commented Jul 16, 2013 at 8:51

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