I have a group of classified raster files, showing point densities at 3 intervals. I want to create contour lines based on this data at these same intervals. I'm guessing this should be fairly easy, but how? I'm on ArcGIS 10.1.
EDIT: I have about 100 raster files, each of them is a group of points which I've performed a Kernel Density Estimation on, so is now a raster. I've classified these into 3 classes 15-50, 50-100, and 100-250 (there is also a 0-15, but I don't need this included). How would I go about creating contours at each of the limits of the 3 classes I want to keep? Martin - Deleting extra contours would be fairly time-consuming. The operation would preferably be done as a batch - they all have the same class symbology and they would all have the same contour limits too.