I am totally new to GIS, and so I apologize if my question is not clear enough. My basic problem is the following:
- I have about 160,000 Danish addresses with longitude and latitude for each address.
- I would like to calculate the distance to the nearest big city (preferably by road and not straight line), and the distance to the coast.
- I have access to a topographical map of the roads and cities in Denmark in the scale of 1:1000000.
- The data structure is vector.
- The format is GDB (ArcGIS).
- The coordinate system is UTM32-ETRS89.
- I use windows 7 64 bit.
I have the following question:
Is there a free GIS to work with the GDB format (and preferably a reference to a tutorial or similar for absolute beginners)?
Any comments are welcome, and I gladly provide more info if needed.
Thanks a lot!!