I have a dataset that looks like :
1 Point 0.04 Span;Start 525112.2 6728715.4
2 Point 0.0506 Span;End 525122.2 6728716.5
3 Point 0.0667 Span;Start 525138.6 6728718.7
4 Point 0.0506 Span;End 525142.7 6728719.2
Projection is UTM30-ED50 and there are 1462 points in the file.
What I want to do is join each pair of points between the Start and End span, then leave a gap between the End and the next Start point.
I have run Point to Line, easy, but this joins every point. Is there a way of specifying only the pairs of points I want to join? Or dissolving the parts of the line I don't want to keep after I have used, say, XTools, to split the line by points?
Dumb question, I realise, but I just can't work this out!