I am new to Python and scripting in general.

My overall goal is to create a script that I can cycle through all the raster maps in a mapset and then save the univariate stats to a .csv file for each raster map. I am working on the first part: cycling through all the maps and printing the stats to the terminal window. Later, I will try and save the data to a .csv file. I have seven maps in my practice mapset and I get seven errors, but my problem is that I do not know what variable to assign to the parameter MAP (hopefully, I stated that correctly).

Here is what I have thus far:

import sys
import os
import grass.script as grass
import grass.script.setup as gsetup
gisbase = os.environ['GISBASE']
gsetup.init(gisbase, gisdb, location, mapset)
grass.run_command("g.list", _type="rast") 
mymaps = grass.parse_command("g.list", _type="rast") 
print len(mymaps) 
for items in mymaps:
    grass.run_command('r.univar', map='items', separator=",")

What should I put for map = 'items' so that it cycles through all the raster maps of a mapset?

I am using GRASS 7.0, but the same thing happens in GRASS 6.5. In Grass 6.5, the parameter separator must be changed to fs. Both versions label the input file "map".

1 Answer 1


You need to understand the difference between:

  • grass.run_command which performs a GRASS command
grass.run_command('g.remove', raster="raster1")
  • grass.read_command which is used to receive a result (generally a string, same result as the command in GRASS GIS, of little interest to Python, you need to use the re (Regular Expression) module to process the result)
'projection: 99 (Lambert Conformal Conic)\nzone:       0\ndatum:      bel72\nellipsoid:  international\nnorth:      112990.07863053\nsouth:      108258.30027318\nwest:       227552.40388837\neast:       235027.97855494\nnsres:      6.35138035\newres:      6.35138035\nrows:       745\ncols:       1177\ncells:      876865\n'
  • grass.parse_command that parse the result for Python (generally a dictionary)
{'ellipsoid:  international': None, 'zone:       0': None, 'nsres:      6.35138035': None, 'south:      108258.30027318': None, 'ewres:      6.35138035': None, 'west:       227552.40388837': None, 'rows:       745': None, 'east:       235027.97855494': None, 'projection: 99 (Lambert Conformal Conic)': None, 'cells:      876865': None, 'north:      112990.07863053': None, 'cols:       1177': None, 'datum:      bel72': None}

So, in your case, it is not:

grass.run_command("g.list", _type="rast")

whose result is 0


rasters = grass.read_command("g.list",_type="rast")

whose result is a string with all the layers in the variable rasters

<type 'str'>

But it is not interesting at all here, because you only need the names of the layers:

rasters = grass.parse_command("g.list", _type="rast")

whose result is a Python dictionary and for further, see Python Scripts For GRASS GIS: Using "parse_command()"

The result is a list with the layer names:

['raster1', 'raster2', 'raster3']

so the processing is:

for items in mymaps:
     grass.parse_command('r.univar', map=items) 


  • Thank you. I am still carefully working through your valuable comments (I am new to this.). If I understand correctly, my primary issue is that I need to parse the dictionary that holds my maps. I need more time to work on it.
    – user22964
    Commented Oct 17, 2013 at 14:47

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