I want to install some GRASS-Addons to use them in QGIS. Therefore I run GRASS-Plugin in QGIS an open the GRASS-Shell type: g.extension
GRASS opens then i go to "optional", activate "System installation" and type the extensionname "r.viewshed.cva"
after this I run the whole thing and get the following output:
(Tue Nov 05 15:53:05 2013)
g.extension -s extension=r.viewshed.cva svnurl=http://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass-addons/grass6
which: wget: unknown command
WARNING: GRASS_ADDON_PATH is not defined, installing to ~/.grass6/addons/
Fetching from GRASS-Addons SVN (be patient)...
A r.viewshed.cva\description.html
A r.viewshed.cva\Makefile
A r.viewshed.cva\r.viewshed.cva.py
Checked out revision 58151.
Compiling ...
: warning: overriding commands for target
: warning: ignoring old commands for target
make: C:\Users\Warsow.grass6/1/addons/.tmp/1084.0/dist.i686
-pc-msys/tools/g.echo.exe: Command not found
make: C:\Users\Warsow.grass6/1/addons/.tmp/1084.0/dist.i686
-pc-msys/tools/g.echo.exe: Command not found
mkdir -p C:\Users\Warsow.grass6/1/addons/.tmp/1084.0/dist.i686-pc-msys/bin
mkdir -p C:\Users\Warsow.grass6/1/addons/.tmp/1084.0/dist.i686-pc-msys/include/grass
mkdir -p C:\Users\Warsow.grass6/1/addons/.tmp/1084.0/dist.i686-pc-msys/etc
mkdir -p C:\Users\Warsow.grass6/1/addons/.tmp/1084.0/dist.i686-pc-msys/driver
mkdir -p C:\Users\Warsow.grass6/1/addons/.tmp/1084.0/dist.i686-pc-msys/driver/db
mkdir -p C:\Users\Warsow.grass6/1/addons/.tmp/1084.0/dist.i686-pc-msys/fonts
make: *** No rule to make target r.viweshed.cva.py', needed
-pc-msys/scripts/r.viweshed.cva.py'. Stop.
ERROR: Compilation failed, sorry. Please check above error messages.
rm: cannot remove directory `C:\Users\Warsow\.grass6/1/ad
dons/.tmp/1084.0/r.viewshed.cva': Permission denied
(Tue Nov 05 15:53:12 2013) Command finished (7 sec)
I don't know why it doesn't work - could somebody help me?
Win 7 QGIS 2.0 GRASS 6.4.3