I am quite new to scripting for ArcGIS, so don't mind the styling and layout.
I am trying to calculate 600.000 routes by looping a network analyst route analysis. The script extracts two pointID's from a database, selects their spatial component from a feature dataset based on this pointID, calculates the route and writes it to a layer file by using an append.
When I run the file (in ArcGIS Python Window), I get an out of memory error after 400+ files. When I examine the memory-use of the process, I can see a definite build-up until 2.5GB usage until the error.
This is my code:
# step 1: centroids geographical area
arcpy.AddMessage("Performing Feature to Point")
arcpy.FeatureToPoint_management(geographicalArea, outGeographicalAreaCentroids)
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(outGeographicalAreaCentroids, outGeographicalAreaCentroidsLyr)
# step 2: create new empty feature class to append routes into
arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(outLocation, routesFC, "POLYLINE", templateRoute)
# step 3: go through table and perform routing for each row
cursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(dbf)
for row in cursor:
outRouteLayer = arcpy.na.MakeRouteLayer(networkDataset, outRouteLayerName, "Minutes", hierarchy = "USE_HIERARCHY")
outRouteLayer = outRouteLayer.getOutput(0)
subLayerNames = arcpy.na.GetNAClassNames(outRouteLayer)
stopsLayerName = subLayerNames["Stops"]
herkomst = row.getValue("Herkomstzo")
expression1 = "\"Z\" = %d" % herkomst
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(outGeographicalAreaCentroidsLyr, "NEW_SELECTION", expression1)
bestemming = row.getValue("Bestemming")
expression2 = "\"Z\" = %d" % bestemming
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(outGeographicalAreaCentroidsLyr, "ADD_TO_SELECTION", expression2)
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(outGeographicalAreaCentroidsLyr, outGeographicalAreaCentroidsSelection)
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(outGeographicalAreaCentroidsSelection, outGeographicalAreaCentroidsSelectionLyr)
arcpy.na.AddLocations(outRouteLayer, stopsLayerName, outGeographicalAreaCentroidsSelectionLyr)
if herkomst == bestemming:
arcpy.AddMessage("Origin zone is equal to the destination zone")
outputRoute = "C:\Users\Koos\Documents\Werk\Onderzoek\Data\WORKSPACE\Routes\outRouteRoutes"
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(r"route\Routes", outputRoute)
arcpy.AddField_management(outputRoute, "Orig", "DOUBLE")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(outputRoute, "Orig", herkomst)
arcpy.AddField_management(outputRoute, "Dest", "DOUBLE")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(outputRoute, "Dest", bestemming)
arcpy.Append_management(outputRoute, routesFCLocation, "NO_TEST")
# delete layers from memory
del row
del cursor
There are more steps, but they are not relevant.
I read a lot of topics about the out of memory problems and memory leaks, etc. But I can't seem to solve this problem.
First I tried to remove every file made in the proces with the arcpy.Delete_management function. This seems to drop the memory use a little bit every step, but not enough, so the memory usage still builds up. Next, I tried to run my script in PythonWin and IDLE (thinking the memory issue would maybe not occur), but then I got errors saying the spatial network analyst (solve tool) is not licensed (a whole other issue).
Are there any suggestions as to how I can solve this issue and calculate the routes? I read on one topic that it is possible to extract the code in the loop to a seperate script and then summon this script in the loop, would this be an option? And if yes, how is this done?
Edits: For a similar 'out of memory'-problem when calculating service areas, chunking the calculation has proved a valuable solution (the memory resets after every chunk). However, this still not resolves the routing issue, since chunking the route calculation will not help. Is there a possibility to partition the loop, thus resetting the memory after every 'loop-chunk'?
Code used to check license:
class LicenseError(Exception):
if arcpy.CheckExtension("Spatial") == "Available":
print "Checked out \"Spatial\" Extension"
raise LicenseError
except LicenseError:
print "Spatial license is unavailable"
print arcpy.GetMessages(2)
Code used to determine input variables (example):
inputMap = "C://Users//Koos//Documents//Werk//Data script//Inputs"
facility = inputMap + "//Totale_opvang_Vlaanderen.shp"
geographicalArea = inputMap + "//BASISZONERING_OVL.shp"
networkDataset = inputMap + "//belbel________nw_ND.nd"