I've come across an annoying irritation. I have a .SHP converted from MapInfo which consists of a large number of features, a lot of which are made up of a whole heap of combined/multipart polygons. I'm doing a basic edit in deleting nodes. I get down to 2/3 nodes and then it won't let me delete them no matter what I do. The undo/redo indicates nothing is happening. Have tried removing and bringing up again. No issues until the last few nodes - seems to work ok prior, edit, select a number of ways, click node tool, click, click again, goes blue and doesn't do anything. It shivers but that's about it. Any suggestions?
UPDATE: Ahaaa...."After selecting vertices for deletion, click the Delete key. Note that you cannot use the mActionNodeTool Node Tool to delete a complete feature; QGIS will ensure it retains the minimum number of vertices for the feature type you are working on. To delete a complete feature use the mActionDeleteSelected Delete Selected tool."
in your case? Maybe this question leads you to use another file format: gis.stackexchange.com/questions/79850/…