I have a Datagridview which is binded to a ArcDataBinding.TableWrapper. So, I want it to be sorted when ColumnHeader is clicked. I tried to do the following on Click event:

ArcDataBinding.TableWrapper twapper = (ArcDataBinding.TableWrapper)((BindingSource)datagridview.DataSource).DataSource;
                ITableSort tsort = new TableSortClass();
                tsort.Table = (ITable)twapper.wrappedTable;
                string column_name = datagridview.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name;
                tsort.Fields = column_name;
                tsort.set_Ascending(column_name, false);
                tsort.set_CaseSensitive(column_name, true);
                ArcDataBinding.TableWrapper tableWrapper = new ArcDataBinding.TableWrapper((ITable)tsort);

                tableWrapper.UseCVDomains = true;
                BindingSource bindingSource1 = new BindingSource();
                bindingSource1.DataSource = tableWrapper; 
                datagridview.DataSource = bindingSource1;


But it doesn't seem to have any effect. Does anyone knows what is the problem?

1 Answer 1


Sovled by rebuilding tableWrapper with this function.

public static void ItableSortToITable(ITableSort tableSort, ref ArcDataBinding.TableWrapper twapper)
        List<IRow> rows = new List<IRow>();
        ICursor cursor = tableSort.Rows;
        IRow row = null;
        while ((row = cursor.NextRow()) != null)


If somepony knows a better solution will be highly appriciated.

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