I have read that osm2pgrouting loads all the data into memory, which makes it faster.
On the other side the size of the .osm file which it can parse is limited.
How can I exactly know how much memory would I need to parse for example hamburg.osm into Postgres with osm2pgrouting? (hamburg.osm is 17 mb zipped and more than 100 mb unzipped).
Is that possible to calculate the required memory size at least approximately?
P.S. I have tried to parse a 300 Mb .osm file on a Linux machine with 512 Mb of RAM. It got to "Classes table created" and after that has not returned any "Finished" message. It also created 3 tables in the database - and populated the Nodes table with about 1.5 million nodes. (I have followed the the recent pgRouting workshop).